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DN Innovative

Spring Boot Project Setup


In this article, we will explore how to create Spring Boot Projecgt from scratch using Spring Starter

The process often involves configuring multiple settings, dependencies, and project structures, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.

Install IntelliJ IDEA

Download Intellij Idea from Jetbrains Idea Link here

You have the option to select the free-of-cost Community Edition and proceed with the installation

Create Base Project

Creating Spring Boot/Java project is a work of olden days, Now we can generate base project structure by utilizing Spring Initializer(https://start.spring.io/)

Steps to follow

  • Open Link
  • Choose Java Version
  • Choose Spring Boot Version
  • Choose Build Type(Maven/Gradle)
  • Add Dependencies as per the needs

Srping Initializer

Create Project

Download Spring Boot App by Clicking GENERATE CTL(Follow the image)

Download Project

Open in IntelliJ

After generating and downloading the base project, you can easily load it into IntelliJ.

Simply navigate to 'Files' within IntelliJ and select the option to open an existing project, loading it as a Maven or Gradle project.

Application Configuration in application.properties/yml

Update application configs of name, path and port number

   spring.application.name = Spring Boot Config App
      port: 8083
         contextPath: /configapp
         name: Spring Boot Config App

Create Sample Controller

Now, let's create a sample controller that includes a GET method to display a welcome message

Here is a sample code snippet for reference:


Run Project

Now, we are all set to run the project and test the API.

Execute the project by navigating to the main class of the Spring Boot application and running the application.

Access Test API

Open a web browser and access the welcome API as follows:

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